Resources to support AAPI Student Community

In the words of Chancellor May, "Each of us has the power to make a positive, constructive difference in the lives of others. Please join with me in acknowledging the pain that our Asian Pacific Islander family, friends and colleagues are struggling with in light of systemic violence and xenophobia. I know our UC Davis community will continue to strive to be a place where each person is welcomed and respected. We are stronger and healthier together."

Read on for a list of resources in support of mental health and being an ally...

If you are wondering what you can do in support of our API community, you can also be an "UPSTANDER." Three things you can do to stand up against acts of hate, bias, and bigotry:

  1. Intervene
  2. Delegate
  3. Distract

For more information on how to be an UPSTANDER, visit:

Here is Chancellor Gary S. May's statement in support of the API community:

You are not alone. Please take care of yourselves and reach out if you need support.